

That was my reaction when I first time heard about LET-studies. So, back to the basics: LET means Learning and Educational Technology and focuses its research and teaching on the learning sciences and technology-enhanced learning. My name is Johanna, I study Educational Psychology at University of Oulu and I started LET-studies as my minor subject. Before this, I have studied a couple of other courses about ICT (this blog’s previous writings as an evidence :D) so the use of different kinds of technology tools is already quite familiar to me.

The world has changed so quickly in a short time that it’s quite hard to keep up the speed. I think that today it’s important to be aware of those possibilities that technology can give you and especially how to use different kinds of apps, tools and devices.  Today’s working life also requires different kinds of expertise than before: for example you don’t have to memorize so many things and repeat information but you are recommended to understand what you learn and you’re able to read and think critically and adapt information. Also it’s important that you’re able to collaborate with different kinds of people and you can take control about your own learning. That’s one example why curriculas of schools are changing little by little and I think that these are also the main reasons why I’m interested in Learning and Educational Technology.  In short, when somebody asks me what are LET-studies, I answer that we learn how to use technology for teaching and learning.

My personal aims for these studies including those what I wrote above are to deepen my knowledge about technology and to learn about new tools. Also I hope that after this minor I can speak english fluently in my everyday life. It’s nice that we have so much collaborative studying where you meet new people all over the world. Also the other thing that I think it’s great is that obviously teaching methods are the same what LET-studies teaches for us. So there’s not so much of old-fashioned sitting in the lecture hall – this is active learning! 

So let the journey in the world of technology begin…

Ps. I wrote this article on my tablet, so I guess something progress has already happened 😉